Aged Care Nutrition
Health Management's Dietitians are highly regarded in providing practical advice to aged care facilities. We understand that nutritional requirements need to be met, while observing that business management also matters to you.
Our suggestions need to fit within your resources to provide the best possible results for your facility and it’s residents. Like you, Health Management prides itself on achieving excellence. We can provide your aged care facility with a complete nutrition and dietetic consultancy service to guarantee you pass your next accreditation.
Menu Reviews and Assessments
Dietitian consultations including assessments, interventions and care planning.
Nutrition support (oral, enteral and parenteral supplements) advice
Providing nutrition counselling and support to residents and families.
Food Service Staff training
Nursing and support staff training and in-services
Older people have a higher risk of poor nutrition due to age-related decrease in digestive function, reduced taste sensation, use of medications, chronic disease, reduced mobility and ability for self-care. We provide nutrition and dietetic services to assist in prevention of, and reversing malnutrition, chronic disease management and dietary management strategies in improving quality of life.
Our Dietitians are qualified and experienced in advising aged care facilities on nutrition-related matters for residents, food service provision and staff training. They have the clinical training to modify diets and to treat conditions such as unintentional weight loss, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, gastrointestinal disorders and food allergies and intolerances.
Health Management understands the special needs of the individual residing in residential aged care facilities, as well as the quality standards that must be fulfilled in order to meet the requirements for the ‘Nutrition and Hydration’ Standards.
When you choose to work with our dietitians, you will notice that our major difference is that we understand what is important to you and we aim to reduce your reliance on supplements and promote great food acceptance.
Why choose us:
We have a thorough understanding of accreditation requirements.
Our entire team follow best practice in aged care nutrition while understanding budgetary ramifications.
Health Management see aged care as a specialty and have over 20 years experience in providing aged care services. We have a dedicated aged care specialist.
We participate in ongoing training for all of our dietitians working in aged care .
We have the ability to provide services nationally, including rural and remote.
Experienced and enthusiastic presenters for in-services and workshops.
Strong knowledge of nutritional supplements and food as supplements.
Guaranteed contracted services.
Most of all.. We are local and you deal direct with the Dietitian, not our head office.
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