Malnutrition Manual
The Health Management Malnutrition Manual is a must for any aged care facility; long-term facility, hospital or dietitians working in aged care.
Within this manual you will find information, tools and solutions to all aspects of care related to preventing and managing malnutrition. There are practical worksheets and forms that can be used in your aged care facility to assess and manage malnutrition. Menu’s and supplements are included to increase the protein and energy intake of your residents with guidelines for when to use what malnutrition strategy.
If you have the following questions, the Health Management Malnutrition Manual is for you.
What is Malnutrition?
Who is at risk of malnutrition?
How do we screen for malnutrition?
How do we assess residents for malnutrition?
What if residents can’t be weighed?
What strategies can we do to reverse malnutrition?
What can we change with food service department?
Are there standard strategies and processes that we can implement to treat and prevent malnutrition?
How can we refer to a dietitian?
Contact us to purchase now at $550 (Inc GST)
Special Diets Manual
The Health Management Special Diets manual is a must for all aged care facilities. It is useful for nursing departments and food service departments as a reliable nutrition reference tool. This manual cannot replace the individualised service of a dietitian, but sometimes there are simple nutrition questions that can be answered by quickly turning to the appropriate page of Health Management’s – Special Diets Manual. Nursing and food service staff benefit from greater knowledge about their patients condition and how nutrition can help.
With over 250 pages, each health condition or special diet provides background information on conditions and the diet, a list of foods that are allowed and foods that are not allowed, checklist for inclusion in resident notes and an example meal plan covering 3 days.
Contact us to purchase now at $330 (Inc GST)
Disaster Menu
Cyclones and Flooding are persistant in Cairns and NQ, so we developed a disaster menu to allow our facilities to continue to meet the nutritional needs of their residents. The Disaster menu includes a 3-day menu assuming no facilities are available; a disaster preparation checklist; disaster recipes; diets for texture modified residents
Contact us to purchase at $220 (IncGST)
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