Body Composition
Weight doesn’t mean much when you don’t know whether it’s lean muscle or body fat. Individual body composition is important for performance and health.
With the most sophisticated ‘InBody 790’ body composition machine available in Australia through Multi-segmental BIA, Health Management will enable you to track your changes in both muscle and body fat.
We often consider weight loss and weight gain, but it is important and helpful to have a breakdown of where you are at and develop goals of where you want to be.
All individual consultations (where relevant) are provided with an InBody assessment so we can track your progress. If you are working with another health professional, going it on your own, or just want a check-up, we also allow body composition scans for those without an appointment to see a dietitian for $50, or we offer the following packages:
Package 1: 5 scans for $200 paid upfront ($40/scan)
Package 2: 10 scans for $350 paid upfront ($35/scan)
Health Management is also able to facilitate large groups of body composition testing for sporting teams and corporate groups. On-site services are available with our portable InBody 270 machines.
Skin Folds
Mitch is the only level 2 accredited anthropometrist in North QLD and as such has the skills and experience to ensure accurate and precise measurements each time. With current technology, skinfolds are not as widely utilised, however skinfold measurements can be requested by coaches, player agents or talent scouts. Health Management is able to assist, although an appointment is required. Please call to discuss.
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