Diabetes Management
Around 1.8 million people in Australia currently have some form of diabetes. It is the fastest growing chronic condition in Australia, increasing at a faster rate than any other chronic diseases.
There are many types of diabetes with the most common being:
· Type 1 diabetes
· Type 2 diabetes
· Gestational diabetes
· Pre-diabetes
If not managed well, the complications of diabetes can be severe and irreversible. Early treatment and management with nutrition, physical activity and other chronic conditions can delay or even prevent some forms of diabetes.
Here at Health Management, our dietitians are well equipped and experienced in helping people with diabetes, whether it be Type 1, Type 2, Gestational or pre-diabetes.
This includes:
· Developing a personalised meal plan tailored to your individual needs and circumstances
· Assisting with self-monitoring and blood glucose control
· Education on carbohydrate foods, counting and their effects on blood glucose levels
· Education on label reading and advice on eating out
· Weight management and other chronic disease support
We will work with your GP and/or Diabetes Educator to ensure you receive the best of care and support to help you manage your diabetes and improve your outcomes.
Find out more today...