Top Nutrition Tips for Celebrating the Festive Season without the Stress!

Christmas time is the most wonderful time of the year. A time spent with family, friends, and loved ones. It usually comes with a lot of great food, drinks, and celebrations, but can also bring some feelings of anxiety about putting on weight and “falling off track” or “slipping up” while struggling to balance enjoyment and control. That is why we are here to share some practical tips to help embrace the holiday spirit while maintaining a sense of balance, routine, and staying on track with your goals.

Food is an integral part of celebrating and sharing time with our loved ones, and many people show their love and connect through food.  We want each and every person to be able to relish in the celebrations, enjoy every moment and savour their favourite festive foods, guilt-free, without feeling restricted or pressured to go without.

Healthy eating is an integral part of our overall health and wellbeing; however it is not about being perfect, it’s about balance. We know that the best diet is one that is balanced, colourful, and meets your nutritional requirements, while also promoting and supporting a healthy relationship with food and allowing yourself to enjoy your favourite foods.

Top tips for mindful eating:

o   Tune into your body’s signals – our bodies are actually a lot smarter than we give them credit for! Pay attention to your natural hunger and fullness cues to help guide your food choices

o   Take it one bite at a time – remember that the food will still be there tomorrow, and it doesn’t have to all be eaten at once. Try letting your food settle and digest for 20 minutes before deciding if you want a second helping

o   Regular eating schedule – skipping meals and not eating regularly throughout the day can dysregulate your appetite and hunger cues, which can lead to overeating later in the day. Aim to stick to your 3 main meals per day to help with regulating appetite and feeling in control

o   Practice portion control – aim for a balanced meal, including a source of protein, low GI carbohydrates, and fibre/vegetables to help keep you feeling satisfied

o   Stay hydrated – whilst there may be some other beverages during the holiday season, don’t forget about good old water! Water plays many vital roles within our body, and staying hydrated can help you to distinguish between thirst/dehydration and hunger 

By maintaining your everyday healthy habits during the festive season, you’ll set yourself up for success in the New Year. Start 2025 on the right foot, feeling energised, in control, and ready to continue to build on the progress you have made!

From all of the team at Health Management Dietitians, we wish you a safe and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and look forward to continuing to working with you to achieve your nutrition goals in 2025!


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